The Alaska History & Cultural Studies Website is a resource offered by the Alaska Humanities Forum.

The site will be undergoing a remodel after the 2012/13 school year, please help by providing us with your feedback. Thank you!


History Units
  - Geography
  - Alaska's Cultures
  - Russia's Colony
  - America's Territory
  - Governing Alaska
  - Modern Alaska

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Teacher's Guide

Regional History
Teacher's Guide
My Region Through Time

Enduring Understandings

A region can be defined by shared history, human characteristics, and distinctive physical characteristics such as landforms, climate, hydrology, vegetation, and animal life.

Estimated Time:

Five class periods

Materials needed:

Course link: Regional Map

Lesson Plan:

  1. Have students identify the region of state in which they live on sidebar regional map. All students read the introductory chapter about their region’s geography and Native people.
  2. Alaska’s regional information is divided into an introductory chapter and five chronological periods. Assign a small group of students to each of the five time periods for their regional information.
  3. In small groups, students read the web-based information about the time period assigned or selected by them, to identify significant historical events that occurred in the region during a specific time period. As a group they should note them on the Regional History Worksheet. They should also identify individuals and/or organizations referenced and note them on the Worksheet.
  4. An individual from each small group then records major events and noteworthy individuals/organizations for each time period on a large timeline displayed before the class. As a large group, students make note of events/people in all time periods.
  5. The regional histories on the web site end with 1980. Students should now individually or in small groups conduct research to learn of significant events that have happened in their region during the last 25 years. Students may conduct interviews and use other primary as well as secondary sources to add to the regional history timeline. Students should identify and use at least one primary source for their information.
  6. The large class timeline of events in their region is updated to include the results of student research.
  7. Class discusses events, people and different factors that have impacted their region. Each student independently completes a Regional Impact Statement.

Alaska Standards: History: A, B, C, D

Culture: A, B, E
Geography: A, B, C, D, E, F
AK History: AH. PPE 1, AH. PPE 2, AH. PPE 3, AH. PPE 6, AH. PPE 7


Exceeds Meets In Progress No Attempt
Content Historical information is factual and complete for time period. Research for contemporary reporting of events includes primary sources. Impact statement is complete, accurate, and reflects thoughtful consideration of events, people, and factors. Selection of impacts are those that played a significant role in the history of the region Historical facts reported are adequate. Research for contemporary reporting focuses on secondary sources. Impact statement is complete and indicates familiarity with the events, people and factors that played a role in the history of the region Factual history is incomplete for time period. No sources were consulted for contemporary history information. Regional Impact Statement is incomplete and/or inaccurate No information has been reported for the selected time period. No research has been done and no responses have been developed for the Regional Impact Statement.


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