
History Units
  - Geography
  - Alaska's Cultures
  - Russia's Colony
  - America's Territory
  - Governing Alaska
  - Modern Alaska

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Teacher's Guide

Regional History
Alaska Content Standards
Geography B
B A student should be able to utilize, analyze, and explain information about the human and physical features of places and regions.

A student who meets the content standard should:

  1. know that places have distinctive geographic characteristics;
  2. analyze how places are formed, identified, named, and characterized;
  3. relate how people create similarities and differences among places;
  4. discuss how and why groups and individuals identify with places;
  5. describe and demonstrate how places and regions serve as cultural symbols, such as the Statue of Liberty;
  6. make informed decisions about where to live, work, travel, and seek opportunities;
  7. understand that a region is a distinct area defined by one or more cultural or physical features; and
  8. compare, contrast, and predict how places and regions change with time.


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