Southwest Alaska
Alaska's Past - Regional Perspectives
The Aleutians, Alaska Geographic Society, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1980.
Photographs capture the beauty of the islands. Throughout the book there are historical accounts including a history of the Aleut people and an eye witness report on the eruption of Bogoslov.
Bristol Bay Basin, Alaska Geographic Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1978.
Earlier Times of the Bay" traces the history of the area. Communities are described in the following section. A good summary is included on the development of air service to Bristol Bay.
Eskimos Growing Up in a Changing Culture, Carolyn Meyer. New York: Atheneum, 1977.
A year in "Chaputnuak," a fictional name for a village that typifies villages of the Kuskokwim River delta, is described. Family life, particularly problems which teenagers faced when they had to leave home to attend the regional high school at Bethel, is detailed.
From Konlag to King Crab, Yule Chaffin. Kodiak: Chaffin, Inc., 1967.
The history of Kodiak Island and its people from prehistoric times to the 1960s. LLife in the town of Kodiak before World War II, Woody Island, and the 1964 Good Friday earthquake are among the topics.
Historic Settlements along the Kuskokwim River, Wendell H. Oswalt. Juneau: Alaska Department of Education, 1980.
A chronology of significant events in Kuskokwim River history is followed by historical descriptions of river communities.
Home by the Bering Sea, Mary Winchell. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1951.
The story of the Jesse Lee Home at Unalaska by the home's matron Mary Winchell. Beautiful descriptions of the Aleutian Islands. Amusing and heart tugging stories about the home and the children.
The Last of Yesterday: The History of Dillingham and Nushagak Bay, John Parker, editor. Dillingham: Dillingham City Schools, 1974.
Dillingham students gathered the information for this book by talking with old timers in the community. There are inÂteresting descriptions of the dory fishery in Bristol Bay.
Men of the Tundra: Eskimos at War, Marvin A. Marston. New York: October House, 1969.
This is Marston's account of founding the Eskimo guard that patrolled western Alaska during World War II. Details are included about different communities in Southwest Alaska that Marston visited.
Son of the Smoky Sea, Nutchuk (Simeon Oliver) and Alden Hatch. New York: Julian Messner, 1941.
The Smoky Sea is the Bering Sea and the Aleutian Islands area. Nutchuk is an Aleut who goes as a small boy to live in the Jesse Lee Home on Unalaska.
Tales of Eskimo Alaska. Anchorage: Alaska Methodist University Press, 1971.
The book includes legends collected in 1969 and 1970. Three are from Togiak, three from Bethel and others are from the lower Yukon and Kuskokwim river area. One legend tells of the origin of Emmonak and another details a battle entitled "The War Between the Eskimos."
The Thousand Mlle War, Brian Garfield. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1969.
A journalist's account of World War II in the Aleutian Islands. It tells of the difficulties facing pilots, particularly the terrible weather and the lack of navigation aids. The construction of defenses and military bases in Southwest Alaska, and the Attu and Kiska campaigns are described.
Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska Geographical Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1979.
This book explores the people and life styles of one of the most remote regions of Alaska.
The Sea, A Common Bond
1743-1867 Era of Russian Violence
1867-1912 The Era of American Exploitation
1912 1924 Lessons From The Land
1924-1959 The Recent Years
1959-1980 Joining Old And New
Suggested Readings